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Urban League of Metro St. Louis Women's Business Center

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Women's Business Center empowers women entrepreneurs through training, mentoring, networking, and access to capital, fostering inclusive entrepreneurship and economic empowerment within the community.

Urban League of Metro St. Louis Women's Business Center

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis Women's Business Center (ULSTL WBC) empowers and supports aspiring and established women entrepreneurs by providing them with the tools, resources, and guidance needed to start, grow, and sustain successful businesses. They offer:

Training and Workshops: Covering topics like business planning, marketing, finances, and legal considerations.
Mentoring and Coaching: Connecting entrepreneurs with experienced mentors and business coaches.
Networking Opportunities: Facilitating connections with other entrepreneurs, industry experts, and potential partners.
Access to Capital: Providing information and resources on funding options and loan programs.
The ULSTL WBC is committed to fostering economic empowerment for women and promoting inclusive entrepreneurship within the St. Louis community.

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