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Greater St. Louis - Diverse Business Accelerator (DBA)

The Greater St. Louis Diverse Business Accelerator is a 12-week program that equips racially, ethnically, and gender-diverse entrepreneurs with the skills, resources, and connections needed to grow their businesses in the St. Louis region.

Greater St. Louis - Diverse Business Accelerator (DBA)

The Greater St. Louis Diverse Business Accelerator (DBA) is a 12-week program designed to help racially, ethnically, and gender-diverse entrepreneurs grow their businesses. It is an initiative of Greater St. Louis, Inc., an economic development organization for the St. Louis metropolitan region.

The DBA provides participants with:

Strategic Curriculum: Led by business coaches, professional services consultants, and subject matter experts, the curriculum focuses on business development, capital readiness, procurement, supplier diversity, contract bidding, and certifications that support scaling.
Networking Opportunities: Participants can connect with other diverse business owners, mentors, and potential customers.
Access to Resources: The program offers resources such as funding opportunities, office space, and marketing support.
The DBA has demonstrated success, with previous participants reporting increased business knowledge, revenue growth, and job creation. If you are a diverse entrepreneur in the St. Louis area looking to take your business to the next level, the DBA may be a valuable resource for you.

One Metropolitan Square, Metropolitan Square, St. Louis, MO 63102, USA

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